
Backing up Nutanix files in a Windows world.

  • 11 September 2020
  • 5 replies

I am hoping to migrate files from our Windows server to Nutanix files. For backup purposes, Azure is our off-site location. I’ve hit some stumbling block in trying to accomplish this. This is what I’ve tried so far.

  1. Configure CloudConnect - Unfortunately, we subscribe to Azure through a CSP, so I’m unable to get the required certificate to set this up. -Failed
  2. Next idea was to sync Nutanix Files with a Windows File server through DFS-R and perform my Azure backups from the Windows mirror. Nutanix doesn’t support DFS-R -Failed
  3. Use our current backup solution “Microsoft Data Protection Manager” to backup Nutanix files. But, can’t install the DPM agent on Nutanix. -Failed

If anyone has a suggestion, I’m running out of ideas. Ideally, I’d like to not have to invest into a new backup solution. Thanks all!

5 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Files DR: Files Disaster Recovery

We do not have the option to convert a standard share to distributed share or a distributed share to a standard share as of file version 3.7. We have a feature request open with Nutanix engineering to enable this feature.

The workaround is to create a new share and move the files to the new share using data migration tools. Migration Tools like Robocopy, PeerSoftware and Datadobi can be used.

Details on the migration tools can be found in the below portal document: Migration Tools

The following documents explains an example migration using robocopy: Migration Example: Robocopy

Thanks, but migrating the data isn’t the question here. It’s how to back it up to Azure once I have the data on the Nutanix Files Share.

Userlevel 6
Badge +5

I understood in the same way Rahul did as the topic begins with “I am hoping to migrate files from our Windows server to Nutanix files. ”

So is it that you would like to backup your Windows File Server (in the Nutanix cluster, I assume?) to Nutanix in Azure? Did I get this right?


I’m trying to backup Nutanix files to Azure.

Userlevel 6
Badge +5

I know you didn’t want to invest in another backup solution but it seems that HYCU is your best bet in this task.
