Looking to save on Nutanix University training and certification, including the NCA, NCP, or NCM exams? Here's the current list of available discounts. (Updated: December 16, 2024)
Free Exams and Discounted NCP-MCI Exam Prep at .NEXT DC
Don’t miss out on the hybrid mulitcloud conference of the year and take advantage of discounted training and free certification exams. Visit our blog to find out more.
Free Exams for Partners through January 31, 2025
We’re helping partners unlock the full potential of the Nutanix Cloud Platform with our free certification exam voucher offer. All active Nutanix reseller, distribution, and service provider partners are eligible to claim and redeem their vouchers in Nutanix University for proctored exams through January 31, 2025.
Having trouble redeeming your voucher? Follow this guide for instructions.
Free Exam Vouchers with Instructor-Led Training
Students receive a free exam voucher after attending an instructor-led training course:
- Nutanix Hybrid Cloud Fundamentals
- Enterprise Cloud Administration
- Advanced Administration and Performance Management
- Nutanix Unified Storage Administration
- Nutanix Database Management & Automation
Pop Up Discounts
Follow us on X to take advantage of our one-day special promotions throughout the year.
50% off for Nutanix User Group Members
Join the Nutanix User Group community and take advantage of 50% off NCA and NCP certification exams. Learn more and sign up.
50% off for Veterans
Nutanix offers discounted exams to support our military and veteran communities, along with free training and other resources.