Enabling or Disabling Console Support for vGPU VMs | Nutanix Community
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Enabling or Disabling Console Support for vGPU VMs

  • January 20, 2022
  • 0 replies

  • Nutanix Employee
  • 69 replies

Enable or disable console support for a VM with only one vGPU configured. Enabling console support for a VM with multiple vGPUs is not supported. By default, console support for a VM with vGPUs is disabled.

To enable or disable console support for each VM with vGPUs, do the following:

  1. Run the following aCLI command to check if console support is enabled or disabled for the VM with vGPUs.
    acli> vm.get vm-name
    Where vm-name is the name of the VM for which you want to check the console support status.
    The step result includes the following parameter for the specified VM:
    Where False indicates that console support is not enabled for the VM. This parameter is displayed as True when you enable console support for the VM. The default value for gpu_console= is False since console support is disabled by default.
    Note: The console may not display the gpu_console parameter in the output of the vm.get command if the gpu_console parameter was not previously enabled.

  2. Run the following aCLI command to enable or disable console support for the VM with vGPU:
    vm.update vm-name gpu_console=true | false

    • true—indicates that you are enabling console support for the VM with vGPU.

    • false—indicates that you are disabling console support for the VM with vGPU.

  3. Run the vm.get command to check if gpu_console value is true indicating that console support is enabled or false indicating that console support is disabled as you configured it.
    If the value indicated in the vm.get command output is not what is expected, then perform Guest Shutdown of the VM with vGPU. Next, run the vm.on vm-name aCLI command to turn the VM on again. Then run vm.get command and check the gpu_console= value.

  4. Click a VM name in the VM table view to open the VM details page. Click Launch Console.
    The Console opens but only a black screen is displayed.

  5. Click on the console screen. Click one of the following key combinations based on the operating system you are accessing the cluster from.

    • For Apple Mac OS: Control+Command+2

    • For MS Windows: Ctrl+Alt+2

  6. The console is fully enabled and displays the content.


Limitations of Live Migration Support

  • Live migration is supported for VMs configured with single or multiple virtual GPUs. It is not supported for VMs configured with passthrough GPUs.

  • The target host for the migration must have adequate and available GPU resources, with the same vGPU types as configured for the VMs to be migrated, to support the vGPUs on the VMs that need to be migrated.

  • The VMs with vGPUs that need to be migrated live cannot be protected with high availability.

  • Ensure that the VM is not powered off.

  • Ensure that you have the right GPU software license that supports live migration of vGPUs. The source and target hosts must have the same license type. You require an appropriate license of NVIDIA GRID software version. 


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