We are pleased to announce that Nutanix has been awarded a Common Criteria (CC) certification at Evaluation Assurance Level 2+ (EAL2+) for the following core products: AOS and AHV. AOS storage is the foundation that makes hyperconverged infrastructure possible to deliver scalable and high-performance storage for all applications. AHV is a license-free virtualization solution for your enterprise to streamline operations. The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation is the most widely recognized international security standard for the evaluation of Information Technology (IT) and IT-enabled products.
The Common Criteria requirements and guidelines are defined in International Standards Organization (ISO) 15408. A rigorous CC evaluation is conducted by an independent accredited testing laboratory to ensure an unbiased assessment of security features. Nutanix’s CC certification is recognized by all 31 CCRA participating countries as well as all 13 SOG-IS participating countries.
Nutanix’s Security Target document defines the security functionality that was assessed in the CC evaluation, including security auditing, role and privilege management, control of information flow, and ability to preserve data given hardware losses. This CC certification and the four FIPS 140-2 certifications assure customers that Nutanix incorporates defense in depth security from the ground up.
Visit the Nutanix Trust Portal to learn more about the latest Common Criteria certification as well as a wide range of other security and compliance certifications.
This post was authored by Induprakas Keri, Chief Product Security Officer
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