
5 Things Nirmata can do with Nutanix Karbon

  • 6 December 2019
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5 Things Nirmata can do with Nutanix Karbon
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With each new release, Kubernetes becomes more powerful and complex to deploy and manage. As a result, enterprise organizations undertaking cloud native projects are compelled to seek out solutions such as Nutanix Karbon and Nirmata which can simplify the configuration, deployment, and management of on-prem Kubernetes clusters.

Nutanix Karbon and the Nirmata Kubernetes cloud-based management plane are fully integrated, and can simplify cluster operations and workload management for all hybrid and multi-cloud use cases.

Nirmata is the Kubernetes management plane designed for enterprise DevOps teams. It is delivered as a highly scalable and secure cloud service. Nirmata can manage multiple Karbon clusters, as well as Kubernetes clusters running on any cloud provider, via a single, unified management plane.

Let’s take a look at 5 things Nirmata can do for your Nutanix Karbon clusters:

  1. Complete visibility into clusters - Get full visibility for cluster components and workloads with easy automated analysis of complex issues. Nirmata integrates with ticketing and change management tools for process automation that cuts down on hours of manual troubleshooting and costly handoffs.
  2. Correlated alerting and notifications - Nirmata listens for cluster changes and generates alerts based on built-in rules for state changes, metrics, and threshold crossings, as well as other error conditions. Nirmata routes workload alerts to the appropriate teams, freeing up cluster administrators to focus on delivering value.
  3. Application catalogs with CI/CD workflows - With Nirmata, product teams can have application catalogs that support Helm and also Kubernetes -native YAML syntax,  to provide easy  modeling and validation of configurations in a central location. Nirmata supports GitOps- style workflows as well as push models to promote changes from the catalog to multiple environments, with approvals and change notifications.
  4. Centralized identity & access management - Nirmata integrates with your central enterprise user directory service and automates the management of user identities and access controls across all your Karbon clusters. Each team can be provided access roles to clusters, and teams can securely share clusters with Nirmata automating the management of resource quotas, network policies, and role bindings.
  5. Centralized policy management - The Nirmata Kubernetes controller runs as an admission controller in Karbon and enables dynamic validation, mutation, and generation of workload configurations via a powerful policy engine. You can easily validate configurations with the built-in library of best practice policies and enforce best-practice compliance on a granular basis.

Stay tuned for the next installment of this blog, where we’ll take you on a step-by-step journey through these key capabilities.

In the meantime, learn more about Nutanix Karbon, and check out Nirmata!

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