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You will not be able to convert the following licenses to our new Nutanix Cloud Platform Licensing

  • EPA (Enterprise Purchase Agreement)
  • LOD (Life of Device)
  • Non-renewable
  • NTE (Not To Exceed)
  • One-time use
  • POC (Proof of Concept)
  • SWO (software only) perpetual

Following scenarios will not allow a conversion operation:

  • A license upgrade quote is in flight
  • The license is due for renewal in the next 90 days
  • A renewal opportunity is in the advanced stage


Role-based access control (RBAC) accounts and RBAC-based users cannot perform conversions in the following scenarios.

  • Capacity cores are in one account and flash storage capacity is in another account
  • An AOS Ultimate license is in one account and a Flow license is in another account
  • An Objects license is in one account and a Files license is in another account
  • A Prism Pro license is in one account and a Calm Cores license is in another account
  • A VDI Pro license is in one account and an Encryption license is in another account
  • A VDI Pro license is in one account and a Flow License is in another account
  • An unused VDI Ultimate or ROBO license is in one account and an unused Encryption license is in another account
  • You cannot perform partial conversions for Files licenses. All Files licenses in Prism Central are converted.

For more information, please check the Conversion Requirements and Mapping document.