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VM activity event log

  • 7 June 2016
  • 4 replies


Is there any way that we can monitor a particular VM activity - log file from Nutanix perspective. we keep on getting VM to be rebooted.

VM OS: Windows Server 2008

Hypervisor: AHV
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4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +29
If is this for commercial Nutanix, please make a support case and we will help you investigate. VMs rebooting is definitely not normal, so let's get support engagedIf this if for CE/community edition, let me know and I'llMove this to the CE forums
Userlevel 3
Badge +11
Hi Jon,

It is for commercial Nutanix. No worrries, we've got the assistance from Nutanix Support. However, it is a bit hard for us to go through the log files to find the root cause of the issue. How I wish we can have a simpler way to look into the VM activities via Prism.

Userlevel 6
Badge +29
I think there are two sides to this situation from what I see

1 - When "system" level issues go wrong, where do you go?
2 - When "users" do things like reboot a VM, where does that task get tracked?

Both of those go to acropolis.log and acropolis.out on the CVM, ~/data/logs on each respective CVM, with some of the "system" things showing up in other logs, like stargate etc

We're making some improvements to #2, so you should see those showing up in the next few releases to prism.
Userlevel 3
Badge +11
Hi Jon,

Noted on the info. Looking forward for the new releases.

Thanks for the assistance. Support did a very good job.