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Server 2008 standard

  • 10 November 2016
  • 11 replies

Dear Community,

I have an issue. I'm installing a Windows 2008 standard (not R2 nor SP1) on a AHV cluster and then I need the virtIO drivers.

It works fine for the iSCSI passthrough driver and the baloon. But the Networking adapter is failed. It says drivers are not signed and cannot be verified, I bypass the warning and then it says there is an error, driver corrupt blablabla.

I have tried the latest Nutanix virtIO without any luck - whatever OS version, they all failed. any magic idea ?

Thanks 😉
We do not support that OS, use the Fedora project open source drivers.
Thanks John,

That make sense but I'm not sure they works better. I think I tried. Let me find another version from the open source world then.

I'll revert to you and the community.

I'm sorted, thanks a lot !
What was the fix?
Hi flhoest Jon,

i have same case with this, want to migrate windows server 2008 (not R2) from ESXi to AHV.

but, i cant install the virtIO.

can you share how to fix this? or share the link to download the compatible virtIO?



Perhaps flhoest can share the steps he went through to resolve this.

From Nutanix's perspective, we do not support this OS, so we do not provide VirtIO drivers for it.

Same deal with Microsoft, 2008 non-r2 is off mainstream support as well, so its been out of support with them for almost a year if I recall correctly.

Any functionality is best effort, and drivers would be provided by the fedora project.
Hi Jon,

i just solve this 🙂 and windows server 2008 work normally.

this is the step that I do:

1. configure san policy to online (diskpart) on VM

2. migrate from ESXi data store to nutanix NFS

3. after complete, go to prism and create new VM on AHV.

4. add Disk (clone from ADSF file) go to flat vmdk but for the first we use IDE

5. and we will come to the os without the driver (network, scsi controller, etc)

6. first mount the virtio-win-0.1-100.iso, i use it to update the iscsi driver but not work for the network.

7. after driver scsi installed, change the disk from IDE to SCSI, it will work.

8. second, mount the virtio-win-0.1.126.iso for the network adapter. if its already installed with yellow warning, uninstall it and delete. it will automatically detect and install the network driver.

after that restart the VM. and VM work normally :)


Fantastic, thanks for posting back!
Yes, this is indeed what I did ....

It looks like the latest Fedora project drivers did the trick.
Please also refer to KB 2626 and older VirtIO driver provided in KB 2820:

Migrating Windows VMs to AcropolisLink:

Error When Installing VirtIO drivers on Windows 2008 R2 VM/Windows 7 VMLink:

Windows Server 2008 R2 is the supported guest VM while Windows Server 2008 is NOT currently.

SUPPORTED GUEST VM TYPES FOR AHV==================================
Hi GavinYu,

thanks for the information.

