Node expantion with NVMe drives and newer AOS/AHV? What is the file to update the cluster to recognize the new hardware | Nutanix Community
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Node expantion with NVMe drives and newer AOS/AHV? What is the file to update the cluster to recognize the new hardware

  • February 27, 2025
  • 7 replies


Node expantion with NVMe drives and newer AOS/AHV on the new node? What is the file to update that updates the cluster to recognize the new hardware models. Bascially having to downgrade a factory G9 node on an older cluster. When you run foundation it doesn’t recognize the newer hardware and errors out.


Look at the compatibility and interoperability matrix  search you g9 node and see which versions it supports:

there is no file to edit to make it work. 

foundation your node to match the version of you production cluster and then do a cluster expansion. 

if the new node doesnt support your current production cluster, lcm your production cluster to a higher version. 

Or, involve support ;). They rock. 


Thanks but no that is not right. I just had to do this a few months back so I know it can be done and why I'm asking the question. Yes moving the cluster to a newer version could solve the problem but out of scope. 


I know it is possible. ;) but not a supported solution. Have you added hardware which is not on the hcl, as foundation wil trow in an error when so?? Contact support. They are there to help you. 


Great then stop posting if you have nothing to add


You are not answering my questions. 🤷


You can't read my question 🤣so stop pandering and let someone else who can


I genuine wanted to help you. But if you only want to know the file to edit then I can help you. 

But if you can explain a bit more what you wanted to do then we can both sort this out the official way. If not, then I wont bother you anymore. 

Can you say a bit more about the current cluster and his versions and hardware? And the new node specs?  (I still assume this not ce). 
