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To answer your question “How to calculate Applied Weight?” you do not calculate it. It is a known quantity provided by the vendor, a characteristic of the selected processor based on industry standard benchmark testing.
You utilize the Applied Weight figure to calculate your Effective RAW Capacity because this gives you a real-world-applicable figure on which to base sizing.
Intel designs a wide range of CPUs to meet different market needs. Core count certainly varies but the speed of a core is not the same across all CPUs.
So applied weight is where we have adjusted the cores to the baseline processor.” => Page does not open
To answer your question “How to calculate Applied Weight?” you do not calculate it. It is a known quantity provided by the vendor, a characteristic of the selected processor based on industry standard benchmark testing.
You utilize the Applied Weight figure to calculate your Effective RAW Capacity because this gives you a real-world-applicable figure on which to base sizing.