Timezone Configuration via UI

  • 19 October 2016
  • 7 replies

Badge +7
I know it's trivial via the ncli but I had to look it up.

Timezone configuration via the Prism UI would make sense...

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7 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +29
Are you talking about cluster time zone? or VM timezone in AHV clusters?
Badge +7
Cluster timezone !
Userlevel 1
Badge +9
skifflad wrote:I know it's trivial via the ncli but I had to look it up.

Timezone configuration via the Prism UI would make sense...
Out of curiosty. Where in the GUI are you not seeing the correct time? Looking at my AHV host and CVM they are both NTP synced and set with a PT time zone. Im actually in ET and Prism shows my locat ET correctly.. I have not set any Time Zone parameters.

Badge +7
I'm almost sure it was in the events and alerts log - hence why I had to search around to see how to change accordingly.

It may well have been because on initial setup via Foundation, there was no internet connectivity to perhaps resolve the correct timezone ? Not sure if anybody can confirm this ?
Userlevel 6
Badge +29
Foundation will flash the date of the foundation VM, so if its not right, you'll be a bit off until you setup NTP
Userlevel 6
Badge +29
FYI  - Internal feature ticket FEAT-809 is open to get this in the GUI. I gave that feature and a few other related tickets an overall today. Hoping to get this sorted by the next date shift (spring DST in the us)
Badge +7
Nice 🙂