Mount Standby Container to local hosts in Prism (Metro Availability) | Nutanix Community
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Hello everbody,

is it correct that the standby containers (Metro Availability) are also mounted to their local hosts in Prism?

Thanks for your support!

Kind regards,

Hello @m.vdohe-64642 

Apologies for the late reply. 

Quoting from the Metro Guide 

The active and standby containers mount to their respective hypervisor hosts using the same datastore name, which effectively spans the datastore across both clusters and sites. 

You can go through the official guide to understand the configuration and architecture involved in Metro Availability. 

Metro Availability 

Hi @m.vdohe-64642 

If it helps, please consider clicking the 'like' and 'best answer' link as that will help others in the community find the answer much quicker - Thanks for your contributions :thumbsup: