Taking Control of Prism Alerting

  • 4 September 2020
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Did you know that many of the health checks and alerts within Prism can be configured according to alert policies?

Though it is usually a good idea to leave alert configurations at their default values, some alerts (or checks) can be adjusted to accommodate particular needs through an associated alert policy. For example, if there is a known condition within an environment in which an associated alert goes purposefully and perpetually ignored or overlooked, the associated health check can simply be turned off.

Alerts can also be enabled/disabled based upon a particular severity level (i.e. Info, Warning or Critical). Also, even better than outright disabling an alert or check, some alert policies can be configured for auto-resolution if the condition has not recurred within the proceeding 48 hours of its initial exhibition.

More information regarding the configuration of checks and alerts can be found within the Configuring Health Checks section of the Prism Web Console Guide.

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