New KB Articles Published on Week Ending April 20, 2024

  • 22 April 2024
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Userlevel 5
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Below are new knowledge base articles published on the week of April 14-20, 2024.

  • KB 15818 - Expand cluster pre-check: test_nci_low_endurance_check
  • KB 16490 - Cluster intermittently reports lack of Rack Fault Tolerance
  • KB 16516 - NDB - Troubleshooting Windows AG Cluster Provisioning Failures
  • KB 16541 - Witness VM password reset
  • KB 16544 - kubectl top error: metrics not available yet
  • KB 16545 - How to enable CoreDNS query logging?
  • KB 16547 - Adding Calico Route Reflectors to a DKP cluster
  • KB 16548 - Configuring the Dex LDAP connector with TLS
  • KB 16551 - No data displaying for certain users in Grafana
  • KB 16554 - Default Jobs missing from Prometheus after applying overrides
  • KB 16555 - Deploying Kubernetes cluster with DKP capa controller gets stuck due to credentials issues
  • KB 16556 - Traefik Forward Auth error: No such host
  • KB 16557 - UNAUTHORIZED: project not found error while pushing images to Harbor Registry
  • KB 16558 - Failure to upgrade DKP 2.6: Machine failed to resolve secret reference
  • KB 16559 - kube-oidc-proxy "could not find ConfigMap" error
  • KB 16560 - vSphere CloningFailed: unable to find network, resolves to multiple networks when deploying Kubernetes clusters in vSphere with capv-controller in DKP
  • KB 16561 - Helmrelease/Kustomization reconciliation interval
  • KB 16562 - How many pods can run per node?
  • KB 16563 - Known Issue: Can not change log level of Traefik Forward Auth Mgmt pod
  • KB 16564 - Kubecost enables persistently on Self-Managed Clusters
  • KB 16565 - Custom CA certs and other AWS environment variables with Konvoy Image Builder
  • KB 16566 - Removing Rook Ceph and Configuring Grafana Loki to use an external S3 bucket
  • KB 16567 - How to troubleshoot issues with self-signed certificates and custom-domains in DKP
  • KB 16568 - Fluentbit failing due to no upstream connections
  • KB 16570 - "Timed out waiting for the condition" on worker node pool upgrade - rook-ceph pod disruption budget
  • KB 16571 - KIB Snapshot creation error with messages pertaining to encrypted snapshots or marketplace product codes
  • KB 16572 - Loki Helmrelease failing to reconcile due to a failure to patch
  • KB 16573 - vSphere deployment stuck when VM folder cannot be found
  • KB 16574 - Chartmuseum unable to bind volume on AWS
  • KB 16575 - Create new cluster fails to complete due to time drift
  • KB 16577 - Rook Ceph in DKP - How is implemented by default, how to troubleshoot and most common issues
  • KB 16578 - Enabling Volume Expansion in the default Storage Provider
  • KB 16579 - Logging-operator pods not updating after UI config change
  • KB 16580 - Failed to create AWS Cluster - Invalid IAM Instance Profile name
  • KB 16581 - New DKP install "ControlPlaneUnhealthy", stuck at Calico install
  • KB 16582 - Chartmuseum failing to install on AWS
  • KB 16583 - konvoy-image upload failure: "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: no such identity"
  • KB 16584 - DNS warning: Search Line limits were exceeded, some search paths have been omitted
  • KB 16585 - Error on Kommander install: "no matches for kind "ClusterIssuer" "
  • KB 16586 - Why am I getting the message "Missing sudo password" when building an image for the vsphere provider with Konvoy Image Builder?
  • KB 16587 - How to modify the Traefik access log verbosity in DKP
  • KB 16588 - Scraping Prometheus metrics for non DKP applications
  • KB 16589 - How to detect if a clock skew is affecting Rook-Ceph monitors in DKP?
  • KB 16590 - Velero Backups download error in DKP 2.4.0
  • KB 16591 - Provisioning a Kubernetes cluster with DKP 2.X gets stuck due to Kubernetes versions mismatch
  • KB 16592 - Pod to pod communication issues between nodes with Mellanox ConnectX-4 and ConnectX-6 network interface
  • KB 16593 - Changing Bootstrap Subnet and Gateway to Avoid Conflicts
  • KB 16594 - Grafana-logging logs are not up to date, with fluentbit errors
  • KB 16595 - Updating vCenter Server TLS Certificate Thumbprint in DKP
  • KB 16596 - Logging-operator's FluentD "entry out of order"
  • KB 16597 - How to change the password for the static credentials used to access the DKP UI
  • KB 16598 - Kube-vip failing with "no such host" error
  • KB 16599 - Modifying kubelet and kube-apiserver flags pre-deployment in DKP 2.X
  • KB 16600 - Known issue: dex-k8s-authenticator "Argument list too long" error
  • KB 16601 - Known Issue: Configuring Gatekeeper values
  • KB 16602 - Known issue: "cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'namespace' null" error
  • KB 16603 - Known Issue: IPv6 On Prem Provisioning Failures
  • KB 16604 - Troubleshooting when APIserver won't start
  • KB 16605 - AWS "error describing modifications in volume" error when attempting to resize volumes
  • KB 16606 - Error on upgrade: No package matching 'XXX' found available, installed or updated
  • KB 16607 - Where does the cluster-api vSphere provider retrieve the credentials to authenticate with the vCenter in DKP 2.X?
  • KB 16608 - Accessing node filesystem via kubectl
  • KB 16609 - Why does Konvoy Image Builder complain that there is no default VPC?
  • KB 16610 - How to create multiple registry mirror and endpoints for DKP overrides
  • KB 16611 - Why do I get an InvalidBlockDeviceMapping error when building a cluster-api compliant AMI with Konvoy Image Builder?
  • KB 16612 - Output the Bootstrap Cluster Kubeconfig to a File
  • KB 16613 - How to resize the Prometheus volume in DKP 2.X
  • KB 16614 - Kubernetes Networking
  • KB 16615 - Resolving kubectl throttling issues
  • KB 16616 - Dynamically label new nodes from labels set during the nodepool creation
  • KB 16617 - Error when seeding a docker registry
  • KB 16618 - Install DKP in a given vSphere cluster (zone)
  • KB 16619 - How to access Loki endpoints in Kommander 2.x
  • KB 16620 - Why is Chartmuseum stuck in Pending State?
  • KB 16621 - Deploying DKP to AWS environments where secrets manager is not available
  • KB 16622 - How to find a node's available resources
  • KB 16624 - Configuring coreDNS to sequentially query upstream servers
  • KB 16625 - Adding custom tags to images built with Konvoy Image Builder
  • KB 16626 - Pivot CAPI resources to non-default namespace
  • KB 16627 - Why is Grafana-Loki Ingester not passing readiness check?
  • KB 16628 - Simple DNS Checking and Testing in DKP
  • KB 16629 - Resolving issues with HelmReleases that are failed.
  • KB 16630 - Kommander UI License Page Showing License is Invalid Message
  • KB 16631 - How to enable SSH in an AWS DKP cluster
  • KB 16632 - DKP AWS cluster fails to deploy to VPC with custom settings
  • KB 16633 - Running DKP Mac Binaries
  • KB 16634 - Increase payload size for Loki
  • KB 16635 - How to override default user credentials when creating a VSphere template with Konvoy Image Builder
  • KB 16636 - Node is not ready - PLEG is not healthy due to containerd resource exhaustion
  • KB 16637 - Which DNS resolvers are queries that are not within the cluster domain of Kubernetes forwarded to in Konvoy clusters?
  • KB 16638 - Managing DKP tags on resources created using Terraform
  • KB 16639 - Customizing logging-operator-logging application deployment (fluentBit, fluentD)
  • KB 16640 - How to retrieve etcd and apiserver logs without kubectl
  • KB 16641 - Failure to upload container image to non-OCI compliant registry
  • KB 16642 - Can't SSH into DKP nodes on AWS
  • KB 16643 - Common issues encountered when building a compliant RHEL template to be used with the vSphere provider in DKP
  • KB 16644 - Cluster failing to deploy due to registry endpoint missing protocol scheme
  • KB 16645 - How to specify the disk size when using DKP VSphere provider
  • KB 16646 - How to deploy an AKS cluster with custom VNET with DKP 2.x
  • KB 16647 - Configuring Dex to use Github as its upstream IdP provider in Kommander 2.x
  • KB 16648 - Encrypted snapshots not permited when running Konvoy Image builder
  • KB 16649 - How to increase the memory limits of the kommander-cm pod
  • KB 16650 - Configuring Dex to use Microsoft as its upstream Identity Provider in Kommander 2.X
  • KB 16651 - DKP deployment does not progress when VCenter SSL certificate fingerprint is not defined correctly
  • KB 16652 - Configure GitLab as an OAuth authentication identity provider in Kommander 2.x
  • KB 16653 - How to configure Dex to use KeyCloak as its upstream Identity provider in Kommander 2.X
  • KB 16654 - Configuring TLS Versions in Traefik
  • KB 16655 - Configuring custom NTP servers for DKP 2.X
  • KB 16656 - How to add Google as an Identity Provider to DKP
  • KB 16657 - Process exited with status 126 when trying to deploy to a pre-provisioned node
  • KB 16658 - Known Issue - Quota Limits on Azure when creating a cluster
  • KB 16659 - Does anyone really know what time it is?
  • KB 16660 - Determining cluster health before upgrading DKP
  • KB 16661 - Failure to add node to preprovisioned cluster due to "No available hosts"
  • KB 16662 - How to override the logging-operator-logging PVC name
  • KB 16663 - Management cluster's host memory resource utilization issue
  • KB 16665 - Common issues encountered when configuring the Dex LDAP connector
  • KB 16666 - How to force deletion of a namespace stuck in a terminating state
  • KB 16667 - MetalLB addresses must be same subnet as nodes
  • KB 16668 - Configuring LDAP values
  • KB 16669 - Checking etcd health for Konvoy clusters
  • KB 16670 - Time drift and etcd
  • KB 16671 - Configuring and using Istioctl with Konvoy
  • KB 16672 - Managing DKP Licenses
  • KB 16673 - Why do I get a "Bad Gateway" exception when trying to access the DKP dashboard via a Dex LDAP connector?
  • KB 16674 - Increasing kubectl verbosity to identify issues
  • KB 16675 - How to read kube-apiserver audit logs
  • KB 16676 - How to find the kube-apiserver audit logs in DKP
  • KB 16677 - Create a DKP 2.x Support Bundle
  • KB 16681 - File Analytics - FA 3.4.0 services impacted after upgrade (docker and/or iptables)
  • KB 16689 - File Analytics - Docker down on ESXi File Analytics 3.4.0
  • KB 16690 - Prism Central - UI login errors with 403 access denied if DNS servers are not reachable
  • KB 16691 - DELL PowerEdge - Recommended BIOS Settings
  • KB 16695 - VM power-on fails with "Failed to register VM <UUID> with avm" error due to AOS and AHV version mismatch

Note: You may need to log in to the Support Portal to view some of these articles.

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