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Migrate Data to Hyper-V cluster from another Hyper-V Cluster

  • 9 January 2017
  • 9 replies

What is the best approach to migrate data to a nutanix hyper-v failover cluster from a normal hyper-v failover cluster.

I used export from the old host (Whitelisted in PRISM) and it succeeds fine but as the data is exported to the cluster FQDN, how do I know which node to use to import the files to make best use of data locality?

is there a way to have the VM exported to a specific node?
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9 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +29
short answer: Don't worry about it, data will relocalize itself as needed. KISS principle applies heavily
Userlevel 3
Badge +17
alexxdavid have you check from Failover Cluster Manager Storage -> DisksYou can also used Hyper-v Manager to export import VM
NDFS provides full ILM including localizing data to optimal node
Badge +7
I don't think that the Failover cluster have access to the Disks directly as it is through SMB. Export import I can do but was just wondering about data locality and hoping to get the files directly to the node they will be sitting on instead of export which dump everything to the cluster fqdn.
Userlevel 6
Badge +29
I've done this myself and it works.

We've documented hyper-v live migration steps here at a high level:
Userlevel 3
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Nutanix SMB shares will be accessed by Hyper-V hostfailover clusters manager used to manage your both hyperv cluster (nutanix and non nutanix)you can create cluster rule to make it specific for each cluster member
When data migrated to SMB shares on Nutanix NDFS will handle data locality on Nutanix cluster
Badge +7
I don't understand what you mean by cluster rule (maybe you are talking about scvmm?) i will migrate straight to the smb share but was just saying that the only way to access the NDFS is by using the cluster name and this doesn't specify which host the data will be located.
Userlevel 3
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alexxdavid which management tool used for your Hyper-v cluster ?
for how NDFS manage data locality you can refer to Nutanix Bible
Badge +7
Failover CLuster Manager.

I get the Dta Locality Bit, I guess I will just use export as it then ask directly for a path whereas live migration is looking for storage directly connected to the hosts and I can't specify any share that are directly connected to the hosts right?
Userlevel 3
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exactlysimply migrate your VM to Hyper-V cluster on Nutanix. NDFS will do the restalso please verified your File Share Storage it should be \cluster_FQDNcontainer_name