Cloned VM Always Ends up With a Thin Provision Disk

  • 21 April 2017
  • 1 reply

Badge +1
Nutanix AOS v4.7.5.2
3 x Dell XC430-4's
ESXi v6.0 Express Patch 7a
vCenter v6.0 Update 3b

I have created a VM exactly how I want it. This VM uses Thick Provision, Eager Zeroed.

I power it off and start the cloning process. When the cloning process is finished, I check the new VM's disk format and it is always Thin Provision.

I have tried cloning with the option Disk Format = Same Format As Source, and Disk Format = Thick Provision, Eager Zeroed. No matter what I choose, the new VM always ends up with a Thin Provision disk.

I do have VMs on the system that are Thick Provision, Eager Zeroed. Also, I tried to INFLATE the VMDK file for the newly cloned VM, and while the system seemed to go through the motions, the VMDK file remained the original thin provison size.

Any help is appreciated.

- Dave

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Userlevel 4
Badge +19
I am sure it something we are probably doing but I think the main point is that Thick Provision, Eager Zeroed doesn't provide any performacne benefits on Nutanix. We will drop all of the zero's in the backend.