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ABS to External Hyper-V hosted on UCS via storage Only AHV possible ?

  • 28 August 2020
  • 6 replies

Hi ,

We have Hyper-V running on UCS, Need to expand Storage piece of it , so Can I build Storage Only AHV cluster with 3 nodes and provide ABS volume as datastore ?

Please guide other options.

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6 replies

You may to do it with Nutanix Volumes to present shared storage by iSCSI to hyper-v host especially for Windows Failover clustering if it you mean, but why you do not move this workload from hyper-v to AHV? 


We have enough CPU and RAM available at UCS , just lack of storage ,so  using storage only nodes which guest VM cant host.

Yes true, I mean the same I want to create ABS volume and connect to ucs host via iSCSI and present as data store to Hyper-V. But things which confused me is below link . Which says

Do not use Volumes to create an iSCSI data-store to Hyper-V or ESXi hosts. This configuration is not supported. “ are they talking about Nutanix based Hypervisor or external ?

I guess it is not supported because Nutanix has an option to deploy a hyper-v based installation of Nutanix HCI, but technically it may work fine


iSCSI: If you are using iSCSI, each clustered server should have one or more network adapters or HBAs that are dedicated to the cluster storage. The network you use for iSCSI should not be used for network communication. In all clustered servers, the network adapters you use to connect to the iSCSI storage target should be identical, and we recommend that you use Gigabit Ethernet or higher.


Thanks , Yes Technically looks doable, but has anyone tried this ? before we can commit for it ?


Or any near confirmation documents which shows this kind of solution for external Hypervisor.


Or any other supported solution ?


Any views on use SMB , if ISCSI doesn't support.




It might be doable but it is certainly not supported.

All options in which we present storage externally to hosts such as ESXi and Hyper-v are usually as temporary options to migrate VMs onto those particular containers but with the end goal of eventually running such VMs in the AOS cluster and not with the goal of presenting those containers as persistent storage for the External hosts.

Having such setups might cause instability in the AOS cluster that is providing the storage to the external hosts.

the following kb has additional information on it, but again, just for migration purposes: