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Hey, just highlighting a few of the latest improvements to the workflow for those of us assisting with license conversions to the latest PnP 2.0 license model. 


First, a new mechanic was added to calculate and clearly show the NBL to CBL conversion rate (node to cores) when using the “Unapplied Licenses” option.        This allows you to do the math and verify what the core count total will be at the end of the conversion and make sure that matches your intended result. 


    You must select the blue “Accept”  option in order to move forward to the next page but you can always select the “Back” option if needed.   


The other improvement to point out which, you can see in the screenshots, you can now convert Prism Central node licenses that may have been left behind due to not being applied to the cluster. The best practice is still to apply as may of the “legacy” Prism Pro/Prism Ultimate licenses to the clusters so the system can get the exact core count, but in the situation where there does happen to be leftover Prism Pro/Prism Ultimate licenses that need to be converted to NCM but for whatever reason were not able to be applied to a cluster, these can now make the transition to PnP 2.0 using the unapplied license option.  Again, with this option, if you don’t know, be sure to have your account team verify the math on what the expected core count should be before moving forward as this is not something that can be undone.  



An additional item to point out is the clear description presented for each license in it’s legacy state and what 2.0 license it will convert to.     This should also be verified especially when getting into more complicated conversion scenarios involving addon licenses and features like Encryption or NCM Self Service.  Your account team is a fantastic resource for verifying what the end result should look like with the license conversion as they have understanding and visibility to your long term cluster use case.  The examples represented in the screenshots here for conversion are fairly straightforward and obvious. 

Remember when converting a large number of licenses, they may not fit on a single screen in the UI, so you will need to select the arrow to view the next page of licenses.  

Once you have verified everything looks good, you can select the blue “Convert” button on the bottom right of the page. 

As always, feel free to contact us with any licensing questions.  

Very Informative, Thanks for the detail explanation.