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Nutanix has introduced product license enforcement to prevent unauthorized use of Nutanix Software. Below are the main key points regarding the prerequisites and policies: 

Enforcement will kick-in on a licensed cluster once the cluster is on the below SW releases or later.

  • AOS 6.7.1
  • PC 2023.4
  • NCC 4.6.6

Enforcement will be implemented in two levels:

  1. Day 0 of cluster expiration
    • AOS/NCI: No cluster expansion / No storage creation or update
    • Prism/NCM: Turn off Ops (UI only; except analysis and Dashboard)
    • No Support
  2. Day 60 past cluster expiration
    • No upgrades (including security patches)
    • No cluster UI management or monitoring
    • Disable access to NCM features

Enforcement is disabled by default:

  • Upgrading to an AOS/PC version will not enable the enforcement.

Licensing action is required to enable enforcement:

  • Licensing action is applying or updating licenses of a cluster. Each time a licensing action is executed, the enforcement policy will be updated on the cluster in conjunction with applied license modification.

Cluster enforcement primarily focuses on expired licenses:

  • Enforcement will commence upon the expiration of the cluster. Cluster expiry will be the same as license expiry. If there are multiple licenses applied to the cluster, the cluster expiry is the same as the earliest expiring license.

No enforcement for Dark Sites Customers as of now. 


For more information, please check License Usage Restrictions