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What happen when prism central down?

  • 2 March 2020
  • 4 replies

Hi team,


i have question about prism central, if i enable feature like a flow ( as long i know, flow need prism central to enable and operate ), and i configure isolation or secure application for my vm,  what happen if my prism central down?

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4 replies

Userlevel 3
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If Prism Central is just a single VM currently, you can expand it to three VMs.  This increases both the capacity and resiliency of Prism Central. Scale out Prism Central is supported on AHV and ESXi clusters only.



Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hi @randyramandani,

In case of flow, If one Prism Central VM goes down in scale-out deployment Flow visualization may stop working (no new flows will be displayed and only old ones will be shown), as AHV hosts send flow data only to one Prism Central VM and there is no automatic failover.

Badge +2

hi team, thanks for the answer,

so if i already have isolated connection from category A to category B and my single prism central going down, my isolated connection still work?

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

@randyramandani yes, when Prism Central is down you lose the ability to manage flow but any existing rules are still implemented. This allows networking to continue as normal during upgrades and other maintenance operations.