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Uploading cisco ACI VMDK to AHV.

  • 24 August 2020
  • 8 replies


I  am trying to create a VM of cisco ACI so that the network team can practice on. but while installation it keep showing this error and start the installation from the begining again. i don’t know what did i do wrong please any one can help.


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8 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Hi bereket.s,

you might need to create a serial port for this VM:

acli vm.serial_port_create <VM_NAME> index=0 type=kServer
Badge +1

Can I do that by GUI?

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

No, that is available only in the CLI. You will need to connect to one of the CVMs of the cluster as user ‘nutanix’ and run that command.

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 What is the input for type?

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

try “type=kServer”

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it says an unknown entity kserver

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Should I restart the cvm the command to take effect?

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

It is case sensitive. Should be “kServer” with capital S.