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Upgrades. Yay, not again! How to upgrade Nutanix Files.

  • 24 October 2019
  • 0 replies

We have shared a post on upgrade preparations and considerations. What now? When mapping upgrades it is only sensible to account for Nutanix Files as part of the process.

What really happens once you click that button?

  • First, the pre-upgrade checks will run to make sure that the cluster is able to be upgraded. If any of the pre-upgrade checks fail, you will see information about this in Prism and the actual File Server upgrade will not start. Users will have to click "Back to Versions" and start the upgrade again after the issue reported by the pre-checks is resolved.
  • Once the File Server upgrade beings, each File Server VM is upgraded one-at-a-time onto the new Nutanix Files version. While an FSVM is down for the upgrade, users connected to shares hosted by this node may experience a loss of connectivity for a duration of roughly 20-30 seconds. After this short period, another FSVM will pick-up on hosting those shares, and users will regain access to their files.
  • After each FSVM completes its reboot onto the new version of Nutanix Files, the upgrade will make sure that it can once again host shares before starting to upgrade the next FSVM.

How long does it take?

About 20 minutes per-File Server VM.


Be sure to take a peak at these:

Installing (or Upgrading) Files 3.6

To see the full list of pre-checks and their related KB articles, check out KB-6524.

How Upgrades Work at Nutanix? KB-6945

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