Unsupported Nutanix AHV and AOS version combination installed | Nutanix Community
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We used LCM to upgrade our cluster to AOS 5.20.4 and AHV-20201105.2286 on Lenovo HX7820 hardware.

This combination is supported according to the Compatibility and Interoperability Matrix.

However, on the Nutanix portal there now is a ‘Critical’ discovery:

Cluster <removed> (UUID: <re-mo-ve-d>) is running AOS 5.20.4 and AHV-20201105.2286. This configuration may degrade functionality of new features and cause issues during cluster maintenance operations such as upgrades or cluster expansions.

Install a qualified combination of AOS and AHV immediately to avoid issues that could arise from running an running an unsupported configuration.
AHV-20201105.2267 is the recommended version(s) for AOS 5.20.4.

If I check the C&IM, the AHV-20201105.2267 / AOS 5.20.4 combination is not supported. Does anybody know how to get this discovery resolved?

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