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Selecting a Time Source for your Nutanix Cluster

  • 6 November 2019
  • 0 replies

In our previous post “Time Synchronisation on Nutanix Cluster”, we highlighted time sync importance and some commands to check status of time-sync on a Nutanix Cluster.

In this post, we will briefly go through some important recommendations in selecting a time-source for your Nutanix Cluster.

Nutanix recommends using at least 5 stable time sources that have a high degree of accuracy and that can be reached over a reliable network connection. Generally, the lower the stratum of an NTP source, the higher its accuracy. If lower stratum time sources (e.g. stratum 0, stratum 1) are difficult to gain access to, then higher stratum time sources (e.g. stratum 2, stratum 3) may be used.

For more details, see Nutanix Recommendation for Time Synchronization.


For a list of Stratum One Servers:

If you have to select a Off-Site time-source, following is a good selection of points to consider:

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