Schedule auto-reboot of hyper-v host

  • 28 November 2016
  • 3 replies

Badge +3
Hello guys,

I have a question regarding schedule auto-reboot of nutanix hyper-v nodes.
Understand there is a cau preupdate powershell script to auto reboot the node 1 by 1 and ensure CVM is up and running before executing reboot action on the next node.

Is there a similar script we can use so that we can schedule auto reboot the Hyper-V nodes 1 by 1 without having the risk of all the nodes / CVM or cluster down at the same time?


Tze Siong

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3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +29
I'm curious, what is the requirement behind needing to schedule a reboot of every node within the cluster?
Badge +3

The reason for this is because customer would like to do a schedule auto-reboot in the late hours after every manual windows patching in the daytime.

As the customer is not really tech savvy, therefore they would like to have something to automate the reboot.


Tze Siong
Userlevel 3
Badge +17
Maybe the following link can be used as reference to create or modified your own script