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Prism Central Connectivity is failing through powershell

  • 18 July 2024
  • 4 replies

HI Team

I have installed the necessary softwares to execute Nutanix Powershell Cmdlets from my MAC. But while executing Connect-PrismCentral cmdlets it’s throwing the below error. Prism Central IP is correct in the command and ping to this machine is also working. I can able to access the Prism Central web UI also.

PS /Users/maharanaak> Connect-PrismCentral -Server X.X.X.X -UserName admin -AcceptInvalidSSLCerts

cmdlet Connect-PrismCentral at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
(Type !? for Help.)
Password: ************
Connect-PrismCentral: Error from X.X.X.X: Could not connect. Please make sure to the remote server is Prism Central.

Please let me know what to troubleshoot the issue. Attaching some screenshots for reference.


Hi there,

Which version of Prism Central are you connecting to?


Can you access the prism central interface via https://prism_central_ip:9440 from that mac machine? 

And can you logon with the given credentials? 

And do those credential have the correct access to also do api stuff? 

Do you have the same issues from an windows machine? 

@Kcmount I am using PC version 2022.6.0.11

@JeroenTielen Yes I am able to access PC via https://prism_central_ip:9440 in my MAC. I using the same credential for login also. Do we need a separate credential to access REST API?

I haven’t tried from a windows machine.

working from windows machine