Objects LCM Upgrades

  • 25 June 2021
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  • Nutanix Employee
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Objects version upgrades by using LCM feature. You can perform LCM upgrades through Prism Central (PC). Objects is a part of the PC upgrades module in LCM. LCM upgrades the following components of Objects: Objects Manager and Objects Services.

Objects Manager

Objects Manager is a containerized service running on a PC VM. The objects manager is primarily responsible for taking input from a user for deploying the object store, validating the user inputs, managing certificates, deploying the Objects Services and serves as an interface between PC and backing object store. A single Objects Manager can manage one or more object stores. In case of scale-out PC, the Objects Manager service runs on each of the PC nodes and provides high availability.

During the upgrade of the Objects Manager, no disruption happens to the Objects IO. However, the user interface will not be available for a short period of time for statistics and management.

Objects Service

Objects Service provides the object store interface and is responsible for storing and retrieving objects. The objects and metadata for the Objects are stored on the selected Prism Element clusters. The various services  that perform the task are containerized and run on the Kubernetes platform. Each Objects Service instance provides a single global namespace. During deployment of the Objects service, the required number of VMs are created for running the Kubernetes pods and load balancer.

During the upgrade of the Objects Services, disruption to the IO is expected as each of the internal services get upgraded. The upgrade process can take 15-30 minutes.

Upgrade Order:

  • Upgrades should be in the following order

    • Prism Central

    • Prism Element

    • MSP Controller

    • Objects Manager

    • Objects Service

  • If Objects is not enabled and you upgrade the Prism Central, then the Objects Manager will be upgraded automatically. However, if Objects is enabled, then you have to upgrade the Objects Manager manually.

  1. Perform an inventory and upgrade to a compatible version of Prism Central by using the LCM feature in Prism Central.

  2. Enable Objects.

  3. In LCM, perform the inventory and update Objects to an available GA version.

For more information, please refer to the Objects Upgrade

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