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Nutanix CE installation error message

  • 13 August 2024
  • 3 replies


Trying to install the Nutanix CE on my Dell R620 , I have 3 Drives , 1 SSD and 2x HDD 

First issue i had as the Nutanix installtion was seeying y SSD as HDD  I fixed that by running the below command :
lsblk -d -o name,rota
if it is 1 then it is HDD 

lsblk to identify the SSD if it is sda

sudo sh -c 'echo 0 > /sys/block/sda/queue/rotational'

Then the system recognise the SSD.

I select SSD as C, and the other two HDD as H and D. Running the setup from a USB drive that was created using RUFUS.

Installation proceed but then I get the below error:


Fatal imaging thread hypervisor failed to with reason  traceback most recent call last 
file "/root/phoenix/ line 112 in image self customizer cutomize.() 
file "/root/phoenix/ line 1304 in customize self.__mount_kvm_partition
file "/root/phoenix/ line 137 in ___mount kvm partition sysutil.get_ahv_root_dev self.stage
file "/root/phoenix/ line 53 in shell_cmd raise standarderror 
Standard error : failed command emount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /mnt/stage] with error wmount:/dev/sda2 is already mounted or /mnt/stage busy]


It happens after the :

INFO : Cleaning up.

There are two possible scenarios that can cause this error:

1. Make sure the server is configured for Legacy and not UEFI boot mode
2. Make sure the drive you’re using for the hypervisor is the smallest drive in the system.

Hi Ktelep
Thanks for your reply 


I followed your instructions by switching the boot mode from UEFI to BIOS and replacing the oversized USB with a 32GB flash drive. However, the installation process now almost completes (reaching 2402 / 2430) before encountering an error: "InstallerVM timeout occurred……….

Thank you for your help




Hyeprvisor installation timing out *usually* means it cant write to the drive fast enough.  Is it a quality USB3 flash drive?   You may want to just go with a small 64G physical disk to use for the hypervisor vs. a USB one.    There are limitations to AHV upgrades when running USB for the hypervisor boot drive.
