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New installation vsphere 6.0U1a CBT issue

  • 5 February 2016
  • 3 replies

Hi all, finally, after a long POC i'm a new Nutanix customer :D

I'm waiting N°2 NX-1365S with 6 nodes and the idea is to create a new vsphere cluster version 6 and migrate the existing VM's from the old vsphere 5.5u2.

I've just check the Nutanix support page and i see the latest supported version is 6.0u1a build 3.073.146.

This version seems to be affected to CBT issue, is it possible to install the correction patch ( after the the installation? Or install directly the 6.0u1b?

Thanks in advance, and have a good w.end!
You can go directly to u1b on installation, fully supported.

Thank you for being a customer.
Hi Jon, thanks for the answer, but there isn't the .json for u1b, right?
Hey Cipo,

Our support policy is outlined here:

So for u1b:

  • Update vSphere/Patch Releases are Supported immediately by SRE team, and QA certified within 45 days of Update release date

Once the QA process is completed we will post the JSON. As long as you're running NOS 4.5 or later you can use the "cluster" command to upgrade to a version we haven't published a JSON for:

cluster --md5sum=bundle_checksum --bundle=/home/nutanix/offline_bundle_name host_upgrade