I would like to know which is the minimun VM witness that I need for an specific scenario with several sites and 2-node cluster on each site.
At the following article I see this:
You can register multiple (different) Metro cluster pairs to a single Witness VM. One Witness VM can support up to 100 instances, that is the combined total number of protection domains in the registered Metro cluster pairs and the number of registered two-node clusters. (A single Witness VM can support both metro availability and two-node clusters.)
However at the following post I see this:
You can register multiple (different) Metro cluster pairs to a single Witness VM. One Witness VM can support up to 50 Witnessed Metro protection domains distributed among its registered Metro cluster pairs.
I’m a bit confused. Does it mean that if I have 70 sites with one 2-node cluster on each site, I need 2 VM witness? or would it be fine if I have 1 VM witness?