Installation Media Access Issues & Drive Access Troubles | Nutanix Community
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Hello everyone,


So I’m running into a couple of issues that have been preventing me from getting a CE install onto bare metal.

The first (and my work around for it) is that downloading the ISO from the pinned Download thread simply fails when using Opera under Linux. A new tab pops up, looks like it’s going to download and then simply nothing else further happens. This does not seem to be a problem with Firefox. So I am able to copy the link from the thread in Opera, then paste the ISO URL into Firefox and successfully download it.


The second, and show-stopper, issue is when attempting to boot off of the ISO. Here’s my environment:

C6400 with two C6420 nodes.

Node 1 currently is running ESXI while I am testing other hypervisors.

Node 3 is the target.

Nodes 2 and 4 are unpopulated.

1 and 3 have identical hardware; 2x Xeon Gold 6130, 128GB RAM, 2x 250GB NVME drives internal, 2x 250GB SSD drives on the front bay. All passed through direct with a SATA controller, no RAID.


The ISO is able to be mounted via iDRAC’s Virtual Media as a virtual CD-ROM and booting off of this device is successful. Initial boot begins and the phoenix environment starts up. Before I am able to get to the screen display the process fails and I am left with an error indicating that hdparm cannot be run on /dev/sdX where X is the ISO. This is also the same behaviour when I create a USB boot device with dd and physically insert the USB into the node’s rear USB port.

I was able to find a post from a year ago that indicated a link to another issue (something to do with chassis LEDs and terminal size errors) but the link fails and manually searching for the similar issue indicates it to be an issue with iDRAC terminal screen sizes which is not what I’m running into here; at least not at first blush as it boots up quickly with no display errors and allows me to interact with the phoenix shell.



Appreciate any guidance.

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