Hello All,
I was trying to deploy Nutanix AOS 5.15.1 and HyperV2016 on 03 Lenovo HX-2321 nodes using Foundation 4.5.4.
At the first time, the deployment failed with this message : "Fatal running pre-install sanity tests" for each of the 03 nodes. Please see below all the related log messages :
2020-08-18 17:02:12,832Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepValidation(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @be70> from PENDING to RUNNING
2020-08-18 17:02:12,838Z INFO Running <ImagingStepValidation(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @be70>
2020-08-18 17:02:12,845Z DEBUG Cache MISS: key(<function common_validations at 0x0399D2B0>_()_{'global_config': <foundation.config_manager.GlobalConfig object at 0x0518B890>})
2020-08-18 17:02:12,845Z INFO Validating parameters. This may take few minutes
2020-08-18 17:02:12,845Z INFO Validating parameters. This may take few minutes
2020-08-18 17:02:12,846Z INFO Validating parameters. This may take few minutes
2020-08-18 17:03:52,963Z DEBUG Validating hyperv: C:\Program Files (x86)\Nutanix\Portable Foundation\isos\hypervisor\hyperv\SW_DVD9_Win_Server_STD_CORE_2016_64Bit_English_-4_DC_STD_MLF_X21-70526.iso
2020-08-18 17:03:52,964Z DEBUG Starting whitelist_check
2020-08-18 17:03:52,964Z DEBUG in_memory iso_whitelist version: 1594717124
2020-08-18 17:03:52,964Z DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function get_nos_version_from_tarball at 0x030EFE30>_()_{'nos_package_path': u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\nos\\nutanix_installer_package-release-euphrates-'})
2020-08-18 17:03:52,966Z DEBUG Finished whitelist_check
2020-08-18 17:03:52,966Z INFO metadata update: {"iso_entry": {"min_foundation": "3.11.2", "deprecated": null, "min_nos": "5.5", "friendly_name": "Windows 2016 VL (SW_DVD9_Win_Server_STD_CORE_2016_64Bit_English_-4_DC_STD_MLF_X21-70526.ISO)", "compatible_versions": {"hyperv": v".*2016.*"]}, "version": "2016", "hypervisor": "hyperv", "unsupported_hardware": e], "skus": s"datacenter", "standard", "standard_gui", "datacenter_gui"]}}
2020-08-18 17:03:52,967Z INFO Ensuring there is no Haswell, Broadwell mix in the same chassis for cluster CLUSTER-NU01
2020-08-18 17:03:53,285Z WARNING tmap was called <function read_hardware_config_from_any at 0x03350870> with empty args and kwargs, ignoring
2020-08-18 17:03:53,285Z INFO Validating whether all members of cluster CLUSTER-NU01 belong to the same license class
2020-08-18 17:04:35,319Z ERROR Foundation is unable to determine state of node with ip, postponing validation of intermixing of software only/appliance nodes to cluster creation stage
2020-08-18 17:04:35,319Z INFO Running one and two node validations
2020-08-18 17:05:17,348Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepValidation(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @be70> from RUNNING to FINISHED
2020-08-18 17:05:17,351Z INFO Completed <ImagingStepValidation(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @be70>
2020-08-18 17:05:17,357Z DEBUG Setting state of <GetNosVersion(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @b450> from PENDING to RUNNING
2020-08-18 17:05:17,357Z INFO Running <GetNosVersion(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @b450>
2020-08-18 17:05:17,358Z INFO Node IP: CVM( HOST( IPMI(
2020-08-18 17:05:17,358Z DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function get_nos_version_from_tarball at 0x030EFE30>_(u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\nos\\nutanix_installer_package-release-euphrates-',)_{})
2020-08-18 17:05:17,361Z INFO NOS Version is:
2020-08-18 17:05:17,361Z INFO metadata update: {"nos_version": ""}
2020-08-18 17:05:17,364Z DEBUG Setting state of <GetNosVersion(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @b450> from RUNNING to FINISHED
2020-08-18 17:05:17,365Z INFO Completed <GetNosVersion(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @b450>
2020-08-18 17:05:17,368Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepTypeDetection(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @bc10> from PENDING to RUNNING
2020-08-18 17:05:17,371Z INFO Running <ImagingStepTypeDetection(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @bc10>
2020-08-18 17:05:17,371Z INFO Attempting to detect device type on
2020-08-18 17:05:17,372Z INFO Factory mode is False
2020-08-18 17:05:17,930Z INFO Manufacturer ID = 19046
2020-08-18 17:05:17,976Z INFO Detected class lenovo_asu for node with IPMI IP
2020-08-18 17:05:18,023Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 78, in system
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 617, in __init__
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 922, in _execute_child
WindowsError: EError 2] Le fichier sp�cifi� est introuvable
2020-08-18 17:05:18,028Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1
2020-08-18 17:05:18,029Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepTypeDetection(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @bc10> from RUNNING to FINISHED
2020-08-18 17:05:18,030Z INFO Completed <ImagingStepTypeDetection(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @bc10>
2020-08-18 17:05:18,032Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPrepareVendor(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @ba50> from PENDING to RUNNING
2020-08-18 17:05:18,035Z INFO Running <ImagingStepPrepareVendor(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @ba50>
2020-08-18 17:05:18,036Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPrepareVendor(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @ba50> from RUNNING to FINISHED
2020-08-18 17:05:18,038Z INFO Completed <ImagingStepPrepareVendor(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @ba50>
2020-08-18 17:05:18,039Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepInitCVM(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @b9b0> from PENDING to RUNNING
2020-08-18 17:05:18,040Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @bf30> from PENDING to RUNNING
2020-08-18 17:05:18,042Z INFO Running <ImagingStepInitCVM(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @b9b0>
2020-08-18 17:05:18,043Z INFO Running <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @bf30>
2020-08-18 17:05:18,046Z DEBUG skipped, this node will be imaged via IPMI
2020-08-18 17:05:18,046Z INFO Making node specific Phoenix image
2020-08-18 17:05:18,048Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepInitCVM(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @b9b0> from RUNNING to FINISHED
2020-08-18 17:05:18,051Z INFO Completed <ImagingStepInitCVM(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @b9b0>
2020-08-18 17:05:48,118Z INFO Using foundation-layouts egg C:\Program Files (x86)\Nutanix\Portable Foundation\lib/foundation-platforms\foundation_layout-1.8+r.1235.fabe063-py2.7.egg
2020-08-18 17:05:48,213Z DEBUG Injecting aurora-1.2.6-fde6167.tar.gz to phoenix
2020-08-18 17:05:48,384Z DEBUG Injecting tartarus-0.7.1-f6a45e22.tar.gz to phoenix
2020-08-18 17:05:48,654Z DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x03348E70>_('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\lib\\phoenix\\x86_64\\squashfs.img',)_{})
2020-08-18 17:05:48,657Z DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x03348E70>_('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\lib\\phoenix\\x86_64\\squashfs.img',)_{})
2020-08-18 17:05:48,661Z DEBUG using C:\Program Files (x86)\Nutanix\Portable Foundation\lib\bin\cygwin\mkisofs.exe for mkisofs
2020-08-18 17:05:49,252Z INFO Setting boot mode
2020-08-18 17:05:49,253Z DEBUG No implementation found for setting boot mode to BootMode.LEGACY. Skipping
2020-08-18 17:05:49,255Z INFO Powering off node
2020-08-18 17:05:49,266Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 78, in system
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 617, in __init__
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 922, in _execute_child
WindowsError: WError 2] Le fichier sp�cifi� est introuvable
2020-08-18 17:05:49,269Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1
2020-08-18 17:05:54,278Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 78, in system
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 617, in __init__
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 922, in _execute_child
WindowsError: dError 2] Le fichier sp�cifi� est introuvable
2020-08-18 17:05:54,280Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1
2020-08-18 17:05:59,290Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 78, in system
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 617, in __init__
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 922, in _execute_child
WindowsError: tError 2] Le fichier sp�cifi� est introuvable
2020-08-18 17:05:59,292Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1
2020-08-18 17:06:04,299Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 78, in system
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 617, in __init__
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 922, in _execute_child
WindowsError: Error 2] Le fichier sp�cifi� est introuvable
2020-08-18 17:06:04,302Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1
2020-08-18 17:06:09,306Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 78, in system
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 617, in __init__
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 922, in _execute_child
WindowsError: 9Error 2] Le fichier sp�cifi� est introuvable
2020-08-18 17:06:09,308Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1
2020-08-18 17:06:14,321Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 78, in system
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 617, in __init__
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 922, in _execute_child
WindowsError: ,Error 2] Le fichier sp�cifi� est introuvable
2020-08-18 17:06:14,325Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1
2020-08-18 17:06:14,332Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 78, in system
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 617, in __init__
File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 922, in _execute_child
WindowsError: sError 2] Le fichier sp�cifi� est introuvable
2020-08-18 17:06:14,332Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1
2020-08-18 17:06:14,332Z ERROR Exception in <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @bf30>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "foundation\decorators.py", line 77, in wrap_method
File "foundation\imaging_step_init_ipmi.py", line 265, in run
File "foundation\imaging_step_init_ipmi.py", line 110, in boot_phoenix
File "bmc_utils\_remote_boot_ipmi.py", line 54, in poweroff
File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 178, in ipmitool_with_retry
StandardError: Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1
2020-08-18 17:06:14,388Z ERROR Exception in running <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @bf30>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "foundation\imaging_step.py", line 161, in _run
File "foundation\decorators.py", line 77, in wrap_method
File "foundation\imaging_step_init_ipmi.py", line 265, in run
File "foundation\imaging_step_init_ipmi.py", line 110, in boot_phoenix
File "bmc_utils\_remote_boot_ipmi.py", line 54, in poweroff
File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 178, in ipmitool_with_retry
StandardError: Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1
2020-08-18 17:06:14,392Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @bf30> from RUNNING to FAILED
2020-08-18 17:06:14,394Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepRAIDCheckPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @b1b0> from PENDING to NR
2020-08-18 17:06:14,394Z WARNING Skipping <ImagingStepRAIDCheckPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @b1b0> because dependencies not met, failed tasks: .<ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @bf30>]
2020-08-18 17:06:14,398Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPreInstall(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @0c70> from PENDING to NR
2020-08-18 17:06:14,398Z WARNING Skipping <ImagingStepPreInstall(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @0c70> because dependencies not met
2020-08-18 17:06:14,400Z DEBUG Setting state of <InstallHypervisorHYPERV(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @0990> from PENDING to NR
2020-08-18 17:06:14,401Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @0bf0> from PENDING to NR
2020-08-18 17:06:14,401Z WARNING Skipping <InstallHypervisorHYPERV(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @0990> because dependencies not met
2020-08-18 17:06:14,401Z WARNING Skipping <ImagingStepPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @b390>) @0bf0> because dependencies not met
I did some research on Internet, and on some nutanix discussions forums and I found that I have to reset all the 3 IPMI to the factory state.
I did it, and after that, Foundation failed with a new error message : "Failed to connect to the following IPMIs. Here are some possible reasons..…
Please below all the related screenshots :
Please need your help.