
AOS Installation fails

  • 10 December 2020
  • 2 replies


Hello i have a 4 Lenovo HX 3320 nodes.


I updated all bmc on this servers.


When i am installing new aos throw Foundation 4.6  its fails with this error


Hele is log



2020-12-10 12:38:39,191Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepValidation(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e5f0> from PENDING to RUNNING2020-12-10 12:38:39,197Z INFO Running <ImagingStepValidation(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e5f0>2020-12-10 12:41:01,398Z DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function common_validations at 0x03D71230>_()_{'global_config': <foundation.config_manager.GlobalConfig object at 0x054D0E90>})2020-12-10 12:41:01,405Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepValidation(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e5f0> from RUNNING to FINISHED2020-12-10 12:41:01,410Z INFO Completed <ImagingStepValidation(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e5f0>2020-12-10 12:41:01,415Z DEBUG Setting state of <GetNosVersion(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e550> from PENDING to RUNNING2020-12-10 12:41:01,417Z INFO Running <GetNosVersion(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e550>2020-12-10 12:41:01,418Z INFO Node IP: CVM( HOST( IPMI( 12:41:01,421Z DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function get_nos_version_from_tarball at 0x03479230>_(u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\nos\\nutanix_installer_package-release-euphrates-5.15.4-stable-x86_64.tar.gz',)_{})2020-12-10 12:41:01,423Z INFO NOS Version is: 5.15.42020-12-10 12:41:01,426Z INFO metadata update: {"nos_version": "5.15.4"}2020-12-10 12:41:01,428Z DEBUG Setting state of <GetNosVersion(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e550> from RUNNING to FINISHED2020-12-10 12:41:01,430Z INFO Completed <GetNosVersion(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e550>2020-12-10 12:41:01,438Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepTypeDetection(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e5d0> from PENDING to RUNNING2020-12-10 12:41:01,440Z INFO Running <ImagingStepTypeDetection(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e5d0>2020-12-10 12:41:01,441Z INFO Attempting to detect device type on 12:41:01,443Z INFO Factory mode is False2020-12-10 12:41:01,946Z INFO Manufacturer ID = 190462020-12-10 12:41:02,073Z INFO Detected class lenovo_asu for node with IPMI IP 12:41:02,078Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'Traceback (most recent call last):  File "bmc_utils\", line 78, in system  File "site-packages\", line 617, in __init__  File "site-packages\", line 922, in _execute_childWindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified2020-12-10 12:41:02,081Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1stdout:stderr:2020-12-10 12:41:02,082Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepTypeDetection(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e5d0> from RUNNING to FINISHED2020-12-10 12:41:02,085Z INFO Completed <ImagingStepTypeDetection(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e5d0>2020-12-10 12:41:02,089Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPrepareVendor(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e390> from PENDING to RUNNING2020-12-10 12:41:02,094Z INFO Running <ImagingStepPrepareVendor(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e390>2020-12-10 12:41:02,095Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPrepareVendor(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e390> from RUNNING to FINISHED2020-12-10 12:41:02,096Z INFO Completed <ImagingStepPrepareVendor(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e390>2020-12-10 12:41:02,107Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepInitCVM(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e7d0> from PENDING to RUNNING2020-12-10 12:41:02,108Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @4d30> from PENDING to RUNNING2020-12-10 12:41:02,109Z INFO Running <ImagingStepInitCVM(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e7d0>2020-12-10 12:41:02,114Z INFO Running <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @4d30>2020-12-10 12:41:02,114Z DEBUG skipped, this node will be imaged via IPMI2020-12-10 12:41:02,118Z INFO Making node specific Phoenix image2020-12-10 12:41:02,118Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepInitCVM(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e7d0> from RUNNING to FINISHED2020-12-10 12:41:02,122Z INFO Completed <ImagingStepInitCVM(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @e7d0>2020-12-10 12:41:03,493Z INFO Using C:\Program Files (x86)\Nutanix\Portable Foundation\lib/foundation-platforms\aurora-1.4.0-7954202.tar.gz2020-12-10 12:41:03,493Z DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x0370DFB0>_('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\lib\\foundation-platforms\\aurora-1.4.0-7954202.tar.gz',)_{})2020-12-10 12:41:03,496Z INFO Using C:\Program Files (x86)\Nutanix\Portable Foundation\lib/foundation-platforms\tartarus-1.0.1-39d983b3.tar.gz2020-12-10 12:41:03,496Z DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x0370DFB0>_('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\lib\\foundation-platforms\\tartarus-1.0.1-39d983b3.tar.gz',)_{})2020-12-10 12:41:03,497Z INFO Using C:\Program Files (x86)\Nutanix\Portable Foundation\tmp\sessions\20201210-163836-3\files\features_node_192.168.1.22.json2020-12-10 12:41:03,499Z DEBUG Cache MISS: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x0370DFB0>_('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\tmp\\sessions\\20201210-163836-3\\files\\features_node_192.168.1.22.json',)_{})2020-12-10 12:41:03,500Z INFO Using C:\Program Files (x86)\Nutanix\Portable Foundation\lib/foundation-platforms/hcl.json2020-12-10 12:41:03,500Z DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x0370DFB0>_('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\lib\\foundation-platforms\\hcl.json',)_{})2020-12-10 12:41:03,502Z INFO Using c:\program files (x86)\nutanix\portable foundation\lib\foundation-platforms\foundation_layout-2.0+r.1297.728c9b5-py2.7.egg2020-12-10 12:41:03,503Z DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x0370DFB0>_('c:\\program files (x86)\\nutanix\\portable foundation\\lib\\foundation-platforms\\foundation_layout-2.0+r.1297.728c9b5-py2.7.egg',)_{})2020-12-10 12:41:03,505Z DEBUG Generating updates config json C:\Program Files (x86)\Nutanix\Portable Foundation\tmp\sessions\20201210-163836-3\files\updates_config_node_192.168.1.22.json2020-12-10 12:41:03,509Z DEBUG Cache MISS: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x0370DFB0>_('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\tmp\\sessions\\20201210-163836-3\\files\\updates_config_node_192.168.1.22.json',)_{})2020-12-10 12:41:03,517Z DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x0370DFB0>_('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\lib\\phoenix\\x86_64\\squashfs.img',)_{})2020-12-10 12:41:03,523Z DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x0370DFB0>_('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\lib\\phoenix\\x86_64\\squashfs.img',)_{})2020-12-10 12:41:03,528Z DEBUG using C:\Program Files (x86)\Nutanix\Portable Foundation\lib\bin\cygwin\mkisofs.exe for mkisofs2020-12-10 12:41:03,815Z INFO Setting boot mode2020-12-10 12:41:03,818Z DEBUG No implementation found for setting boot mode to BootMode.LEGACY. Skipping2020-12-10 12:41:03,819Z INFO Powering off node2020-12-10 12:41:03,825Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'Traceback (most recent call last):  File "bmc_utils\", line 78, in system  File "site-packages\", line 617, in __init__  File "site-packages\", line 922, in _execute_childWindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified2020-12-10 12:41:03,826Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1stdout:stderr:2020-12-10 12:41:08,852Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'Traceback (most recent call last):  File "bmc_utils\", line 78, in system  File "site-packages\", line 617, in __init__  File "site-packages\", line 922, in _execute_childWindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified2020-12-10 12:41:08,854Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1stdout:stderr:2020-12-10 12:41:13,868Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'Traceback (most recent call last):  File "bmc_utils\", line 78, in system  File "site-packages\", line 617, in __init__  File "site-packages\", line 922, in _execute_childWindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified2020-12-10 12:41:13,868Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1stdout:stderr:2020-12-10 12:41:18,877Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'Traceback (most recent call last):  File "bmc_utils\", line 78, in system  File "site-packages\", line 617, in __init__  File "site-packages\", line 922, in _execute_childWindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified2020-12-10 12:41:18,878Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1stdout:stderr:2020-12-10 12:41:23,894Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'Traceback (most recent call last):  File "bmc_utils\", line 78, in system  File "site-packages\", line 617, in __init__  File "site-packages\", line 922, in _execute_childWindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified2020-12-10 12:41:23,894Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1stdout:stderr:2020-12-10 12:41:28,908Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'Traceback (most recent call last):  File "bmc_utils\", line 78, in system  File "site-packages\", line 617, in __init__  File "site-packages\", line 922, in _execute_childWindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified2020-12-10 12:41:28,911Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1stdout:stderr:2020-12-10 12:41:28,914Z ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'Traceback (most recent call last):  File "bmc_utils\", line 78, in system  File "site-packages\", line 617, in __init__  File "site-packages\", line 922, in _execute_childWindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified2020-12-10 12:41:28,914Z ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1stdout:stderr:2020-12-10 12:41:28,915Z ERROR Exception in <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @4d30>Traceback (most recent call last):  File "foundation\", line 77, in wrap_method  File "foundation\", line 269, in run  File "foundation\", line 110, in boot_phoenix  File "bmc_utils\", line 54, in poweroff  File "bmc_utils\", line 178, in ipmitool_with_retryStandardError: Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1stdout:stderr:2020-12-10 12:41:28,948Z ERROR Exception in running <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @4d30>Traceback (most recent call last):  File "foundation\", line 161, in _run  File "foundation\", line 77, in wrap_method  File "foundation\", line 269, in run  File "foundation\", line 110, in boot_phoenix  File "bmc_utils\", line 54, in poweroff  File "bmc_utils\", line 178, in ipmitool_with_retryStandardError: Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1stdout:stderr:2020-12-10 12:41:28,950Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @4d30> from RUNNING to FAILED2020-12-10 12:41:28,953Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepRAIDCheckPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @4bd0> from PENDING to NR2020-12-10 12:41:28,954Z WARNING Skipping <ImagingStepRAIDCheckPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @4bd0> because dependencies not met, failed tasks: [<ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @4d30>]2020-12-10 12:41:28,957Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPreInstall(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @4a10> from PENDING to NR2020-12-10 12:41:28,959Z WARNING Skipping <ImagingStepPreInstall(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @4a10> because dependencies not met2020-12-10 12:41:28,963Z DEBUG Setting state of <InstallHypervisorKVM(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @0590> from PENDING to NR2020-12-10 12:41:28,963Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @5b70> from PENDING to NR2020-12-10 12:41:28,963Z WARNING Skipping <InstallHypervisorKVM(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @0590> because dependencies not met2020-12-10 12:41:28,964Z WARNING Skipping <ImagingStepPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @e2d0>) @5b70> because dependencies not met

2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Hi Farhad,


This may be due to  not having Java JDK or Java JRE installed on the computer running Portable Foundation. 

You can check if you have JDK or JRE installed with the commands below


         For Windows:

  1. Open up a Powershell window and run: 
    PS C:\Users\> java -version
    java version "1.8.0_221"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_221-b11)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.221-b11, mixed mode)

    For MAC users:

  2. From the  terminal run:
XXXXXXX:~ user$ java -version
java version "9.0.1"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9.0.1+11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 9.0.1+11, mixed mode)


If you don't have Java installed please download the latest JDK for MAC or JRE for Windows from the Java website. 


Please let me know if this helps.




Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Hi this is a duplicate post!


original post with lots more answers:


