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I'm exploring the API and noticed that for listing operations (specifically the /vms/list operation) supports providing sorting parameters. I can't find any information on the proper values for the sort_attribute key in the request. Has anyone used this and can shed some light for me?

The only reference I've found indicates that it is "The attribute to perform sort on". I tested this using sort_atribute "vm_name" and I got a sorted list by VM name. HOWEVER when I tried sort_attributes "num_sockets", or "memory_size_mib", or "memory_size_bytes" the list returned was not sorted. I spoke with Nutanix' new API DIrector at .NEXT and he promised better documentation soon. I sure hope so.
You can specify sort attribute like below


Also you can find other detail from below API guide

Ctrl+F "sortCriteria"

Hope this clear your question