Prism Central LCM Framework | Nutanix Community
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I’m running Prism Central (PC) Scaleout version pc.2021.8.0.1 and when I select ‘Administration’. ‘LCM’ from the menu, I only get the following message; 

       Waiting for LCM Framework to start…

Is LCM actually even a thing for PC?

Hi mandg,

LCM supports both Prism Element and Prism Central

The life cycle manager (LCM) tracks software and firmware versions of the various components in a cluster. It allows you to view information about the current inventory and update the versions as needed. Please refer the link: Life Cycle Manager Guide

Coming to the message you see when you start LCM on Prism Central, Could you please ssh into the Prism Central VM (login as nutanix), execute the following command and send me the output?

  1. grep -i LCM ~/data/logs/genesis.out

  2. python --version

  3. cat ~/cluster/config/lcm/version.txt



Hi Raaji - thanks for the feedback. Here is my output from PC;

nutanix@NTNX-PCVM:~$ grep -i LCM ~/data/logs/genesis.out
2021-12-07 01:14:37,734Z ERROR 13346864 No LCM leader available to check if LCM operation is in progress
  File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/cluster/client/lcm/", line 56, in is_lcm_update_in_progress

nutanix@NTNX-PCVM:~$ python --version
Python 2.7.5

nutanix@NTNX-PCVM:~$ cat ~/cluster/config/lcm/version.txt

Let me know if you think I should open a support case - thanks!

Hi mandg

Please refer to the following KB for Troubleshooting LCM: LCM: Life Cycle Manager Troubleshooting Guide.

Hi @mandg 

I have the same issue and the output of genesis.out file is:

ERROR Error LcmMasterManifestRefreshError('Error in opening master manifest file from catalog item 6b1b5d3c-20df-43c8-a85a-64b236c742b5',) occurred while starting LCM.

need support.


Hey @Rufin Herve Do you have LCM working on PE or does both PE and PC have the same issue ?
