Hi Mahendra,
The Get-NTNXCloudCvm is only for CVMs that are in public clouds, such as, for example, AWS for DR solutions. It is not the command that you need.
Here is what can help you:
Get-NTNXHost | ft name,serviceVMExternalIP,hypervisorAddress,ipmiAddress
You can get CVM names by doing this:
Get-NTNXVM -SearchString "VM is a Nutanix CVM" | ft vmname,ipAddresses
Thank you @Sergei Ivanov for the quick response. I got it right. However, I am trying to run the .csv report by collecting all these information in a single csv file and below is script I am using for that but however I am not right output . Nut sure what I am missing here?
I am getting the output only for $NTNXHost and not getting any info for $NTNXVM.
$report = @()
$NTNXHost = Get-NTNXHost | Select-Object name,serviceVMExternalIP,hypervisorAddress,hypervisorUsername,ipmiAddress,ipmiUsername,serial,blockModelName
$report += "`r`n"
$NTNXClusterInfo = Get-NTNXClusterInfo | Select-Object name,clusterExternalIPAddress
$report += "`r`n"
$NTNXVM = Get-NTNXVM -SearchString "VM is a Nutanix CVM" | ft vmname,ipAddresses
$report | Export-Csv -Path testreport.csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture