We can SSH to the File Server VM using the following process
Retrieve the IP address for the FSVM.
Log on to the CVM.
ssh nutanix@cvm_ip_address
Enter the CVM password.
List the FSVM IPs.
nutanix@cvm$ ncli fs ls
FSVM IPs appear in the following format Nvm IP Addresses: internal IP,external IP.
2. SSH onto the FSVM using the internal IP.
nutanix@cvm$ ssh internal_ip_address
Change password of FSVM:
Log on to a file server VM with SSH.
Change the nutanix password.
nutanix@fsvm$ sudo passwd nutanix
Respond to the prompts, providing the current and new nutanix user password.
Changing password for user nutanix.
Old Password:
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
Portal Reference: