A customer moved his Nutanix Cluster (with Hyper-V) from a DC to another, after powering the Nodes up, the IPs of all Hyper-V host and CMs released, I logged it locally to Hyper-V hosts and configure the internal IP ( and the external IP same like before shutting the cluster down.
I repeated the previous step with CVMs, I went through cd/etc/sysconfigs/ and edit network-scripts file and added the the external IP in the eth0 and the internal one ( in eth1.
Now Hyper-V FC is working fine but cannot start VMs due to the Nutanix cluster issue, whenever I tried to start cluster from any CVM, I get this message “WARNING genesis_utils.py:1211 Failed to reach a node where Genesis is up. Retrying”
Is there any way to fix this issue or to repair cluster configuration without disrupting existing data?
Thanks in advance