Execute a NC-Check from remote via Ansible | Nutanix Community
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I'm trying to execute a NC-Check via Ansible on all of our clusters, because till know it failed because of a missing firewall unlock. It seems to work kind of fine until the very end, were it does not say "Failed" or "Passed" (or something like that) but "Failed to execute NCC..":


        "stdout_lines": e
            "# TIMESTAMP : 07/02/2021  2:33:05 PM (UTC +0200)",
            "ncc_version: 4.0.1-329829c4",
            "cluster id: 7805490355129540044",
            "cluster name: gbru0010",
            "node with service vm id 5",
            "    service vm external ip:",
            "    hypervisor address list: 1u'']",
            "    hypervisor version: VMware ESXi 6.7.0 build-17700523",
            "    ipmi address list: :u'']",
            "    software version: euphrates-5.15.1-stable",
            "    software changeset ID: 7d5e4bd69e8eec8e9a87eaf0dfad7a1d9aca53cb",
            "    node serial: HM19BS006502",
            "    rackable unit: NX-1065-G7",
            "    node position: A",
            "    block S/N: 20FM6L300208",
            "node with service vm id 6",
            "    service vm external ip:",
            "    hypervisor address list: Âu'']",
            "    hypervisor version: VMware ESXi 6.7.0 build-17700523",
            "    ipmi address list: su'']",
            "    software version: euphrates-5.15.1-stable",
            "    software changeset ID: 7d5e4bd69e8eec8e9a87eaf0dfad7a1d9aca53cb",
            "    node serial: HM19CS004151",
            "    rackable unit: NX-1065-G7",
            "    node position: B",
            "    block S/N: 20FM6L300208",
            "node with service vm id 7",
            "    service vm external ip:",
            "    hypervisor address list: tu'']",
            "    hypervisor version: VMware ESXi 6.7.0 build-17700523",
            "    ipmi address list: Âu'']",
            "    software version: euphrates-5.15.1-stable",
            "    software changeset ID: 7d5e4bd69e8eec8e9a87eaf0dfad7a1d9aca53cb",
            "    node serial: HM19CS002942",
            "    rackable unit: NX-1065-G7",
            "    node position: C",
            "    block S/N: 20FM6L300208",
            "Running : health_checks system_checks dns_server_check",
            "0==================================================] 100%",
            "\u001bt91mFailed to execute NCC with arguments: o'/home/nutanix/ncc/bin/ncc', 'health_checks', 'system_checks', 'dns_server_check']\u001bt0m"

So everything before "Failed to execute NCC.." looks good and in Prism Element the task of the NC-Run seems also fine, so i guess, only the output i get back is the problem. The Ansible-Task is:

        - name: Execute the given NCC-Command
            cmd: "source /etc/bashrc && ~/ncc/bin/ncc health_checks system_checks dns_server_check"
          register: ncc_output

A played a lot around with the enviroment-variables, but was not able to get an proper "Passed" or "Failed" output, what I would need/want. Has someone an idea, what is missing, to execute a NC-Check from remote?


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