
Change Cluster Name from Unnamed to Something Else    

  • 2 July 2020
  • 2 replies


When I run the following  <:~$ ncli multicluster get-cluster-state

I get this output,

Cluster Id                : bff29593-35c0-4f5a-804f-257374c3e979    

Cluster Name              : Unnamed    

Is Multicluster           : true    

Controller VM IP Addre... : []    

External or Masqueradi... :    

Controller VM NAT IP A... :    

Marked for Removal        : false    

Remote Connection Exists  : true


Question is how can I change Cluster Name to something other than Unamed???

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Userlevel 2
Badge +3


If you haven’t set the name for your Prism Element you can check out this document to edit the cluster name from the GUI:

If you would like a CLI reference, check out ‘Edit params of a Cluster’ section of this link:


Let me know if you need additional assistance.


you can use this command:
$ ncli cluster edit-info new-name=NewPCName