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Is it mandatory to give the bond name parameter while updating the uplinks in bridges?



Yes , it’s mandatory to define bond name, each bridge has a bonds and all the uplinks to that bridges are added to the bond and this bond will have any load balancing technic like a/b, balance-SLB, Balance-TCP

Yes! But the bond will create by default once we create a bridge..As I can see in the video(AHV host networking-Techtopx) the update links command with manag_ovs not using the bond_name parameter.


Hey, @Jayakumar Here is a KB mentioning the correct procedure to update uplink configurations of an OVS bridge on AHV using “manage_ovs update_uplink”.


Let me know if you any doubts:smile: ?

Thank you. I Can see the parameter for fallback the LACP to active backup,we use 

other_config:lacp-fallback-ab=true. Also i can see the same command for disable the fallback LACP. is that rite?


Yes @Jayakumar , that is right but this is used with “ovs-vsctl” commands ran from the AHV host as mentioned in this KB(How to enable, disable and verify LACP). 


Also while using update_uplinks commands from “manage_ovs” :


  1. If LACP is used then run the "update_uplinks" command with the following flags:

    --bond_mode balance-tcp --lacp_mode fast --lacp_fallback true"
  2. If you run “manage_ovs update_uplinks” without the above flags the bond mode will switch to the default active-backup mode.


I hope I was able to clear your doubts:sweat_smile:

Thank you.

Hey @Jayakumar , I hope the above solution and documents helped?


Let me know if you need anything else.
