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Prism Alerts - old

  • 16 October 2019
  • 4 replies

How do clean old Prism Alerts.  Within Webconsole Resolve and Acknowlege doesnt clean old alerts.  Any command would helpful.  Thanks, 





nutanix@cvm$ for alert in `ncli alert ls | grep ID | awk '{print $3}'`; do echo "Resolving alert $alert"; \ncli alert resolve ids=$alert; sleep 2; done


Refer the following discussion:-

This command doesn’t work - tired on one of CVM - giving syntax error 

Hi @Tashi 
Can you follow the public KB mentioned below

If you’re still facing the issue, can you post the snippet of the command you’re executing and the error you’re receiving and the AOS version you’re using?



Try to NCLI with the following script:-


for alert in `ncli alert ls | grep ID | awk ‘{print $3}’`;  do echo “Resolving alert $alert”;  ncli alert resolve ids=$alert; sleep 2; done




Manually clear the alerts from SSH and restart the service:-


allssh genesis stop alert_manager
alert_tool -op clear-alerts
allssh 'rm ~/data/alert_manager/wals/*'
cluster start


WARNING:- DO NOT treat the Nutanix CVM (Controller VM) as a normal Linux machine. DO NOT perform "rm -rf /home" on any of the CVMs. It could lead to data loss scenarios. Contact Nutanix Support in case you have any doubts.

