Boot disk index must be specified | Nutanix Community
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Hello All,


         I am working on a powershell script to create VM’s and I am having an issue with the following piece.


$boot=New-NutanixObject BootConfig
The error I am seeing is “Boot disk index must be specified”
I used the following to make the $vmDisk variable you are seeing at the bottom of the trouble code.
$diskImage = (Get-Image | Where-object {$ -eq $vmdisks})
$diskImage = Get-Image -IncludeVmDiskId -ImageId $diskImage.UUID                
$cloneDiskAddress=New-NutanixObject VMDiskAddress
$vmDiskClone=New-NutanixObject VMDiskSpecClone
$vmDisk=New-NutanixObject VMDisk
I know it is something simple I just don’t know what it is.
I appreciate any help.

Hello All,


      I figured that part out. Below is the code required.


$boot=New-NutanixObject BootConfig
$boot.disk_address.device_index = 0
$boot.disk_address.device_bus = 'SCSI'


Thanks for sharing @skeeter