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36 Hours After Deleting the Snapshot, but the Capacity Remains the Same

  • 21 August 2022
  • 4 replies

Hello, masters of Nutanix

Could you help a beginner in trouble? 

I took an internal snapshot to prepare for a problem moving nodes from an existing cluster to another cluster 

The previous one was done well, and the snapshot was about 1.8gb, but I found that even though I deleted the snapshot, I still had about 1tb of capacity left

I got a response that the curation will work and the capacity will be back in 36 hours

But the capacity remains the same
Which part should I check? I'd appreciate it if you could give me a command or a solution

The customer is dissatisfied with the capacity of 1tb and wants to resolve it Help me, please.


Customer is using AOS / ESXI 7.0 u2a / NX-3060-G4 


Pic1 - Capacity before increasing nodes


Pic2 - Capacity after node is increased

Is there a protection domain with snapshot of the particular vm? 


I’m not a Nutanix master, but moving nodes from one cluster to another in a production environment IMHO is not a task for beginners.

Can you provide more infos please? I suppose you added just one node to “Lotte” and increased storage from 10.56TiB to 14.09TiB. Is this value expected regadring the capacity of the new node? I don’t see yet how 1.8GB occupied by a snapshot would affect a storage of that size.

How do you think a snapshot would help if sth went wrong? Adding nodes to a cluster does initialize the added nodes and data including snapshots is eventually redistrubuted to include the added disks.

Stay safe,


In case after 24 hours, the space is not reclaimed and does not appear as free space, contact Nutanix Support for assistance with diagnosing the cluster health.

Was there a lot of space used in that VM and then deleted?

Sometimes I’ve had to run SDelete on Windows servers to clear up space in a cluster. 

It was also a G4 cluster but running ESXI 6.0.


Good Luck