does anybody have experiences with a container OS like RancherOS on AHV? In the Compatibility Matrix of Nutanix I can see that RancherOS v1.5.5 is compatible with my AOS 5.10, but I don’t know which image of RancherOS I should use. The are some images for a specific cloud provider and some for a specific hypervisor, but no one for Nutanix, AHV or KVM.
I tought then I simply have to use the rancheros.iso, but there a some contradictions that I don’t understand. The good news is that the VM is working as expected, but RancherOS everytime enables the hyperv-vm-tools on startup and the container os-hypervvmtools is restarted every few seconds. The logs of this container are also empty.
Does anybody know if there is something special to consider? For example do a need to enable the qemu-guest-tools or the kernel-extras?
Any information or tips are welcome.
Best regards