
RancherOS on AHV

  • 3 March 2020
  • 1 reply


does anybody have experiences with a container OS like RancherOS on AHV? In the Compatibility Matrix of Nutanix I can see that RancherOS v1.5.5 is compatible with my AOS 5.10, but I don’t know which image of RancherOS I should use. The are some images for a specific cloud provider and some for a specific hypervisor, but no one for Nutanix, AHV or KVM.


I tought then I simply have to use the rancheros.iso, but there a some contradictions that I don’t understand. The good news is that the VM is working as expected, but RancherOS everytime enables the hyperv-vm-tools on startup and the container os-hypervvmtools is restarted every few seconds. The logs of this container are also empty.

Does anybody know if there is something special to consider? For example do a need to enable the qemu-guest-tools or the kernel-extras?


Any information or tips are welcome.


Best regards


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Userlevel 3
Badge +4

From what I could find out, the rancheros.iso is the version used for qualification.

I've seen from others they turned off that Hyper-V tools or disabled hypervisor auto discovery.

We don't yet have a best practice guide which would give config details and other considerations. There's been some pull already on this idea so you might mention to your SE if this is important for your business, they could add to the conversation and might lead quicker to having a validated best practices doc.