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VMs on AHV are thin provisioned but the cluster disk usage reflects the size of the disks defined, not their usage

  • 12 December 2023
  • 1 reply

We have a 3-node AHV Nutanix cluster and the cluster wide disk usage reflects the size of the disks provisioned for all the guest VMs. The sum of the disk usage of the VMs do not exceed 3 TB but cluster usage detects 11 TB witch matches the total provisioned disks for the VMs + a few snapshots there.


My understanding is the cluster should report a total disk usage of 3 TB + the snapshots, What am I missing here?


Thanks in advance for your responses.

I have to update this. After checking with support it turned out there were many VMDK and VMWare files copied manually in the past by  a former administrator when they moved from VMWare to AHV. The cluster nodes were replaced by new ones by growing the cluster and then decommissing the old hosts and thereby reducing the total storage in the pool: That´s where the problem came up - Numbers just did not match.

So… False alarm. Now we are working with support to remove that garbage without deleting any important file by mistake.