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OvS Bonding

  • 2 January 2019
  • 7 replies

I am trying to implement SLB, or LACP, rather than A-B. To do this seems to require using either the manage_ovs show_bridges or list port {br0 | bond0} command.

Other then the Command_Ref-AOS and AHV_Admin-Guid, where can more information be found ?

I am getting a `ERROR failed to execute ....` error.
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7 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +3
Okay, so this seems to be a "manage_ovs" issue as 'show_interfaces' and other switches fail as well. All pointing back to line 488 with a return code of 255.

There is also a stderr of "{date/time} CRITICAL manage_ovs:151 Failed to execute ovs command: list-br"
Badge +1
Try to grab a copy of the. Nutanix Networking Best Practices manual.

Pages 31 to 33 provide an example on how to use the ovs-ctl and ovs-appctl from the host shell to configure LACP and loadbalancing.
Depending on your setup, you will find something like this:

[root@NTNX-0f82fb36-A ~]# ovs-vsctl set port bond0 lacp=active
[root@NTNX-0f82fb36-A ~]# ovs-vsctl set port bond0 bond_mode=balance-tcp
[root@NTNX-0f82fb36-A ~]# ovs-appctl bond/show bond0
---- bond0 ----
bond_mode: balance-tcp
bond may use recirculation: yes, Recirc-ID : 1
bond-hash-basis: 0
updelay: 0 ms
downdelay: 0 ms
next rebalance: 5540 ms
lacp_status: negotiated
active slave mac: a0:36:9f:1d:f3:67(enp4s0f1)

slave enp4s0f0: enabled
may_enable: true

slave enp4s0f1: enabled
active slave
may_enable: true

[root@NTNX-0f82fb36-A ~]# ovs-appctl lacp/show bond0
---- bond0 ----
status: active negotiated
sys_id: a0:36:9f:1d:f3:66
sys_priority: 65534
aggregation key: 5
lacp_time: slow
Userlevel 2
Badge +3
Thank you.

Yes, I have looked at BP-2071 and a few others. I will re-review.
Userlevel 2
Badge +3
When I try the OvS-{x}ctl commands I receive a "command not found" error?

This is from SSHing into the CVM, should I be using nCLI?
Badge +1
No, that is not running on the CVM but on the host.
From the CVM, use
ssh root@ “ovs-vsctl set port bond0 lacp=active“
to set the physical interface configuration.
Userlevel 2
Badge +3
Thank you.

I have a situation where one node is on LACP active (i.e. node 0), but the other 3 nodes won’t  change from active-standby although the LACP=active and the balance-LACP commands are executed with no errors. My Arista switches are properly setup for MLAG and as such I can see that one MLAG connection and the other three inactive.

Does anyone know why it is that I can’t set the LACP config throug the ovs-vsctl command ?