what is the difference between these, can anyone share the refernce diagram for these 2 scenarios
4 × 10 GbE (2 + 2) and 2 × 1 GbE separated | Use to physically separate CVM traffic such as storage and Nutanix Volumes from guest VM traffic while still providing 10 GbE connectivity for both traffic types. The four 10 GbE adapters are divided into two separate pairs. Compatible with any load balancing algorithm. This case is not illustrated in the following diagrams. |
4 × 10 GbE combined and 2 × 1 GbE separated | Use to provide additional bandwidth and failover capacity to the CVM and guest VMs sharing four 10 GbE adapters in the same bond. We recommend using LACP with balance-tcp to take advantage of all adapters. This case is not illustrated in the following diagrams. |