I am trying to envision what this would look like in a Nutanix environment for planning purposes.
Currently we have two datacenters. We have one large vcenter cluster (Cisco UCSs, Synchronous Nimbles, Nexus vpc pair, L2 stretch on our own dark fiber (multiple 10gb links)) stretched across both DCs. This allows us to vmotion all VMs from one side to another, take down half our hosts, or even a whole DC without any issues.
Thinking what this would look like if we were full Nutanix and AHV I am pretty sure this would not work (1 large cluster as we couldnt take down 1 DC since that would take out half of the hosts\storage). Correct?
If so, I am thinking this would require at least a cluster at each DC, and then you metro-availability to uses the real-time sync. Does that sound about right from a high level?